About Andrea Pazienza

Chapter 06 celebrates Andrea Pazienza and Massimo Osti, pioneers of Bologna's ‘70s cultural scene whose visions redefined the boundaries of comics and clothing. Pazienza, one of Italy's most influential comic book artists, created bold characters such as Pentothal, Zanardi and Pompeo, offering a sharp, ironic view of that era. Osti, the pioneer of sportswear, revolutionized communication through fashion, mixing military, workwear and comic book influences. The Chapter honours their legacy with garments featuring original prints of Pazienza's work.

In the ’70s, with the birth of DAMS, the first Italian university course dedicated to art, music, and the performing arts, Bologna became the country’s artistic production epicentre.
Key locations like Osti’s studio in Gaibola, Pazienza’s house on Via Emilia Ponente, and the Traumfabrik, a squatted space that became a refuge for creative talents, anticipated the idea of a modern community.
In this dynamic environment, Osti’s revolutionary approach to sportswear found fertile ground, inspired by the contamination of different disciplines. In 1984, commissioned to redesign Volvo’s uniforms, Osti asked Pazienza to create illustrations for department patches.
The connection between Pazienza’s talent and Osti’s genius became a true example of the creative synergies in Bologna.